The Sporting Life

The Sporting Life

New homes with open plan living and generous balconies

4 units within a 4 storey block

Bethnal Green


Pinchin Architects were appointed to explore the development potential of building a block of flats on a small car park between two blocks of accommodation within Bethnal Green. The site is a car park which sits between an old corner pub and a listed block of Victorian workers’ housing. The relevant planning policies that related to the site and proposal were reviewed, as well as the relevant local planning history, to allow the proposals to follow council strategies and guidance.

Various appraisals were drafted with the aim of achieving a high-quality development with high profitability. A 4-unit scheme was deemed most suitable for the site: two 1-bedroom 2-person units and two 2-bedroom 3-person units were proposed.

An agreement was proposed to utilize the neighbouring buildings’ circulation core to unlock the site’s maximum potential. In return, refurbishment works to the existing flats, improved bin and bike stores, and an overall improvement to the entrance and security of the building, were proposed, along with an individual financial incentive to each flat owner to ensure the deal was fair. A 4-storey block was proposed with open-plan living and generous winter garden balconies.


Cornwall Road


Silver End