Crystal Palace Apartments


Crystal Palace Apartments

Nine new build apartments, a re-development of dilapidated property.

9 high quality apartments

Project year
In planning


Private developer



Pinchin Architects were asked by a longstanding property developer client to work on the redevelopment of a site overlooking Crystal Palace Park. In close proximity to the listed park, as well as to some listed Victorian villas, the newbuild proposal has been designed to look contemporary while working within an established and beautiful context.

The gabled elevations are formed from a high-quality stock brick with projecting stone banding and matching stone window surrounds. The proportions of the windows and the shape of the gables represent the form and sizing of the Victorian villa pairs that form an edge to the park.

A zinc roof is partially concealed behind the front elevation and adds a subtle touch of modern detailing to this understated design. Retention and enhancement of the landscaping both in front and behind the property were very important to ensure that the existing streetscape is enhanced and protected. A new stock brickwork wall and metal railings form a new front edge to the planted areas behind.

The scheme comprises nine new high-quality apartments that exceed the London Plan space standards and will have generous balconies, terraces and communal gardens.


Silver End


Hempstead House