London Living: Why Moving House Might Not be the Answer

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With house prices continuing to cause controversy around the country, living in London remains a hotly debated topic - with everything from the need for space to the cost of homeownership coming under fire. And as unease spreads through the housing sector, more and more city dwellers are selling up and saying goodbye to the capital.

As Londoners continue to tackle the ongoing issues surrounding housing, we’re investigating the benefits for residents extending their existing properties - and finding out why staying put could be better than upping sticks.

Capital costs

The cost of living in London is a debate that continues to rage on, but with thousands of would-be homeowners struggling to secure a foot on the property ladder, why are UK property owners choosing to leave London?

It seems that, for some, the capital isn’t providing homeowners with everything they need and the affordability of London’s landscape is an issue that won’t be resolved any time soon. But as Londoners head off in search of greater value for money, many are overlooking the benefits of staying put.

Adding your own stamp to your property not only helps you to create a home that’s perfect for you, but also leaves you in a better financial position in the future; a crucial factor given the instability of the property market. Whether you need more space for a growing family or an office to make it easier to work from home, there are a number of benefits to extending your property - whatever your reasons for renovating.

More for less?

London is famed for its residential architecture, but while it has aesthetic appeal in abundance, practicality isn’t always one of the perks. Rich with period properties, the capital has a wealth of buildings for families of all sizes - but the need for more leeway can prove challenging. Space is an ongoing issue for London’s residents and setting up in the city doesn’t always leave enough room for growing families.

While up-sizing or finding a home outside of the capital might seem like the only solution to the search for space, London architects are becoming increasingly intent on helping homeowners expand their existing properties - giving residents a space that fits their family without the need to leave London.

Extending your home has proven to be more cost-effective than moving house and hiking up the value of your property will mean a greater return on investment, should you decide to sell in the future. It’s a common misconception that a house extension means a huge overhaul and will cost a small fortune. With residential architects on hand to advise on everything from planning permission to interior design options, you can find an affordable solution for your home extension - meaning your budget won’t have to hold you back from living in a home you love.

Your home, your way

Whether you’re looking to flood your street house with more natural light or want to create a spacious suburban home, a renovation can transform any building. Extending your home offers you the opportunity to personalise your existing property, rather than having to start from scratch in a new building and an unfamiliar area.

Moving to a new property may not guarantee all of the features you want from your dream home - but designing your building around you makes it easy to create a space that suits you. On top of that, you can add some creative influence from experienced residential architects and retain all the authentic appeal of your home’s period while implementing modern, space-saving solutions.

From extra bedrooms and practical dining spaces to kitchen extensions and front porches, we specialise in residential architecture - helping London’s residents find their perfect fit. If today’s blog post has given you the design inspiration to extend your property, the London architects at Pinchin Architects will be happy to help you expand your building - making sure you find a way to make your home your own.


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